5 Reasons Why We Should Not Hold Farts

Fart is an activity that we usually do to get rid of gas in the stomach. It's just that, sometimes we are forced to hold it because it feels uncomfortable to throw it in front of others. In fact, according to health experts, there are many benefits that we can get if we can get rid of farts.

Various Benefits of Farts

The aroma is indeed not pleasant. In fact, some people find that their voices are disgusting, but in reality farts are included in an important part of our digestive system. If we can do it smoothly, this indicates that our digestive system is functioning properly.

Here are the various health benefits of the habit of getting rid of farts.

1. Indicates That What We Eat Is Healthy Food

The first benefit that we can get by removing farts is that we have consumed foods with balanced nutrition. If we eat foods with high fiber and protein content, for example, it will usually make more gas production.

In addition, some types of carbohydrate foods that can provide energy also tend to make us more easily farted.

2. Overcoming Stomach Pain

Another benefit of farts that we can feel is reducing pain in the stomach. Without us knowing, when we eat, we ingest enough gas. Especially if we come to eat while chatting. This gas accumulation can cause a sensation of pain or pain in the stomach.

If we fart, the gas can be removed from the body so that the pressure in the stomach decreases. This is what then makes the stomach pain significantly reduced.

3. Can Detect Food Allergies

Sometimes, we can experience health symptoms after consuming certain foods. For example, we can experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and so on. This could be a sign of an allergy in certain foods. In addition, sometimes food allergies can also make us fart with certain sensations or aromas.

If we often experience the same symptoms of farts after consuming certain foods, it helps us reduce or avoid these foods in order to prevent the arrival of digestive disorders.

4. Indicates Digestive Conditions

In our digestive tract there are good bacteria and bad bacteria. If the number of good bacteria is greater, it will certainly make the digestive tract run properly and increase the body's immune system. This is usually accompanied by smooth gas production.

5. Preventing the arrival of certain health problems

Health experts call the habit of holding farts turned out to have adverse health effects on the intestine, stomach, or other parts of digestion. The risk of developing diverkulitis will also increase.

For information, diverkulitis is a condition that makes the large intestine inflammation or infection. If not treated, can trigger bleeding, blockage, or even rupture of the large intestine.

Normal Fart Frequency

Health expert dr. Kyle Staller from Massachusetts General Hospital said that every day, we can produce about 0.5 to 1.5 liters of fart gas. Not all fart gas is discharged simultaneously. Based on research conducted at the Cleveland Clinic, it was mentioned that we can fart around 14 to 23 times every day.

Normally, farts don't have a scent, but if we consume certain foods, then in the intestine will form sulfur gas that smells unhealthy. In addition, if we experience certain health conditions such as disorders of bacterial imbalance in the intestine, the smell of farts can also be very unpleasant.

1 Response to "5 Reasons Why We Should Not Hold Farts"

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